Thursday, July 26, 2007

Back from vacation!

Have been out of touch the last few days. Had to take some time off after VirtCamp which really took a lot out of a good way. One of the amazing things I learned post-VirtCamp is that we weren't necessarily there to learn new things. It was more to bring out the knowledge, the skills, the desire from within that already exists but was probably suppressed. For instance, Mission: Lego wasn't about creating/programming a LEGO robot. It was about re-igniting that fire and excitement to do something new (or something you haven't done in a really long time), taking on that challenge and pursevering. There was nothing better than seeing everyone's project work in the end (and you all know how emotional I got!), but it wasn't about that. Look at the bonding that took place during this whole process? Look at how we came together, helped each other out, took over when our cadre mates were stressing, how we divvied up the things to do based on each individual's area of expertise. But the beauty of it all was that we didn't just do it on our own, we still helped one another learn what needed to be done in order to make it happen. How cool is that?!? Now what did Paul, Bill and Margaret say again? IT'S ABOUT THE PROCESS! Noooooow, I get it! =)

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